Welcome parents and caring adults in the lives of young STEM learners! Through our Caring Adult Network Workshops, we invite you to join your girls in engaging Digital Youth Divas content and practices. This is both a way to connect families and communities to the learning environments in which their children are immersed and a way to recognize and leverage existing networks, histories, cultures, and expertise found in your unique communities.
On this page, we offer workshop content and activities for those caring adults who can not attend the in-person workshops. While this was designed for DYD parents, we believe it is relevant to all caring adults interested in supporting youth STEM learning. Watch the videos to see more!

Unit 1. Digital Youth Divas Program Background
Learn about the DYD program in this unit, including why it was started, the different program components, and learning outcomes.
“This [program] was a terrific opportunity to introduce my daughter (and myself) to things where there was little knowledge.”
—Clarice, parent
Learning happens across different spaces young people spend their time. Find out about the Digital Youth Network work and how DYD fits into the ecosystem.
What critical issues does the DYD program address?
What are the different parts of the program? Is it just exposure to STEM curriculum?
What do girls get out of participating? Are they learning? Are they envisioning new futures for themselves?
Unit 2. Caring Adult Network Introduction
This unit describes more about why we consider parents to be a critical part of DYD, and the various ways the program is designed to incorporate the networks and knowledge that parents bring to the DYD community.
“It was great meeting other parents I would normally not encounter, and learning from each other. Knowing parents have similar goals to help enrich their kids’ learning is inspiring.”
—Sasha, parent
What is a Caring Adult Network and what are the opportunities for parents in the DYD program?
Unit 3. Parents as Learning Partners
Parents want to support their children in learning, and this support can seem especially difficult for STEM topics. In this unit, we lay out strategies that have been shown to work.
“If it’s not sewn right in your e-cuff project, it’s not gonna work. Like mine, it didn’t work. I had to take out the conductive thread. And then me and my dad, we sewed it back.”
—Khelani, student participant
What can adults do to support their children’s learning and interest in STEM?
Determine which STEM learning support roles you play for your children (worksheet 1) and how (worksheet 2).
Unit 4. Brokering Learning Opportunities
One important role adults play in the lives of young people is to broker new learning opportunities, like signing them up for this program. In this unit we share what we know about brokering and ways to think about how to best broker for your child.
“I really appreciate how the program focus[ed] on encouraging my child’s interest in computer science and giving her more alternatives than games.”
—Lara, parent
Brokering Learning
What is the role of learning broker and why is it important?
Interests and Opportunities
How do youth interests impact learning opportunities?
Develop a strategic plan for connecting your child to new learning opportunities.
Find learning opportunities that are right for your family using your strategic plan and brokering tools.
Unit 5. Collaborating and Making
Join your Divas in the construction of an e-Card! Use conductive tape and your design skills to make an LED-embedded greeting card. This unit also emphasizes learning through creative production.
“I enjoyed making my LED flower card (although the drawing wasn’t that great) and showing it to my daughter…and yes, she gave me a high five.”
—Miriam, parent
Project-based Learning
Why should youth and caring adults work on projects together?
Design and create an e-Card using a working series circuit to power an LED light.